
A general repo with some random Ruby exercises

Ruby exercises

This is a collection of implementations of short algorithmic exercises, solved in Ruby. The exercises come from a variety of places such as a Ruby course I visited in FMI, Project Euler and others.

A list of exercies

Name README Implementation Tests Source
Abomination README Implementation Tests FMI
Binary Mobile README Implementation Tests FMI
Caesar Cipher README Implementation Tests FMI
Homogenize README Implementation Tests FMI
Longest Sequence README Implementation Tests FMI
Magic Square README Implementation Tests FMI
Monochrome Bitmaps README Implementation Tests FMI
Music Collection README Implementation Tests FMI
Object#thread README Implementation Tests FMI
Robot README Implementation Tests FMI
To Proc README Implementation Tests FMI
Zigzag README Implementation Tests FMI

Helpers and fiddles

These are things I have played with or written for solving problems I have had or just found interesting:

Name README Code
Polynomial README Code